Online Portuguese Classes - communicative approach

We can create an adapted program respecting your level and your availability.

Using an online whiteboard

About me

Hi! My name is Luciana. I have been teaching Portuguese for more than ten years.

I was born and raised in Brazil, in the city of Sao Paulo, the most populated city in the country. I have been teaching French for more than twenty years, and in 2011 I decided to teach my native language which is Portuguese. I hold a Bachelor’s degree and Master’s degree in Portuguese language.
In 2008 I launched classes online: first I offered French classes and a few years later Portuguese classes.

I really enjoy teaching different languages to students all over the world: Brazil, England, Italy, Spain, Argentine, Colombia and Australia.

Be part of a multicultural team and join my Portuguese classes today. Learn more here

My proposal

4 classes = 120 €

What my students say

Luciana is a great teacher. Each lesson has a clear objective and builds your skills from one lesson to the next. I could not believe how quickly I started being able to comprehend Portuguese after just a few lessons.

Evan Cantrell – The United States of America 

Luciana’s ability to engage, enhance, and guide students through various language programs is absolutely brilliant. Luciana’s passion to teach second and even third languages to students abroad is beyond measure.

Sumiko Jividen – The United States of America 

Luciana is a great teacher. I chose her to learn Brazilian Portuguese. I really like her style. She has tons of patience and always explains everything really well. 5 stars!!

Graham Jones – The United States of America 

Luciana è un’insegnante esperta, competente e sempre aggiornata. Con il suo aiuto mi sono preparata proficuamente per il Celpe-Bras, la versione brasiliana del Proficiency. Ho seguito il suo corso sulla didattica online delle lingue e posso confermare che Luciana, oltre ad affrontare con puntualità e chiarezza ogni aspetto teorico e pratico – della didattica online, conosce e sa trasmettere l’immenso potenziale dell’insegnamento delle lingue a distanza. La padronanza degli strumenti tecnologici e dei programmi finalizzati alla didattica online, unitamente alla conoscenza delle dinamiche relazionali professore/studente ne fanno una professionista completa e di totale affidabilità.

Valentina Palmieri – Itália

Apesar dos 9 000 km que nos separava, Luciana me permitiu aprender o Português para minha integração na Escola Politécnica da USP. Graças a sua metodologia e com apenas uma hora de aula por semana, quando cheguei no Brasil eu me sentia muito confortável para falar e assistir às aulas sem dificuldade na universidade. Luciana sabe se adaptar aos objetivos e restrições de seus alunos em vista de aperfeiçoar cada vez mais o nível de cada um deles

Claudie Baqué – France

Luciana is a great professional, but above all is an excellent person , for that reason his work is exceptional.

Romina Patricia Zignago – Argentina

Por el momento mi experiencia va muy bien. La metodología de aprendizaje es muy útil para mí y el material que estamos viendo interesante y acorde a mi nivel.

Claudia Valenzuela – Chile

Mi experiencia con Luciana ha sido estupenda. Sus clases son dinámicas, divertidas y llenas de contenido.

Lo más destacado: Es una profesora eficaz, que sabe encontrar mis puntos débiles y corregirlos.

Jaime González Guzmán – España


I teach all levels from A1 to C2

They are 45-minute lessons

We agree to choose the best time for you.